Monthly Archives: March 2013

Another First for Brighton – HR dedicated to Sustainable Business

Conscious HR is Brighton’s and, we believe, Britain’s first HR consultancy dedicated to growing conscious and sustainable businesses. We understand that businesses that care about more than just profit are looking for a special kind of HR support that is considerate about the impact they have on their people, their community and their environment.

Conscious HR can support all of your HR needs from the everyday people challenges to helping you understand what you can do to build a stronger, sustainable business far into the future without harming the world we live in.

Why Conscious Business?

No doubt about it – we live in exciting times. The pace of change in our world seems to be increasing unabated.

While technology races forward promising all sorts of once impossible dreams we sit on the edge of the precipice of the near annihilation of our natural world. It’s not just that so much of the worlds’ beauty will be lost in such a relatively short period of our planet’s history or even that the seeds of significant future human suffering have long been sown and are now starting to bear their unwelcome fruit. The most terrifying aspect of this change is that we are doing it to ourselves.

So what’s to be done?

It won’t surprise many of you that it is our role as consumers of the world’s natural resources that is driving this destruction. And the vehicles that deliver our latest desires are our businesses. Operating in the name of and with the implicit authority of consumers, business has become increasingly efficient at locating and extracting all it needs to deliver against our insatiable appetites.

The traditional model of business has been based primarily on the delivery of the needs of just two principal stakeholders – customers and shareholders. But businesses have a few more stakeholders with a vested interest in their future – their employees, the communities the business depends upon for customers and employees, their suppliers and the environment they depends upon to deliver their natural resources. It’s actually a little more complicated than we have long considered.

When the business model is conscious of this wider support network then it has a much greater opportunity to ensure its own long term sustainability and the sustainability of all of its stakeholders, notably for us the environment and the community. With its focus on the triple bottom line – people, planet and profit – this model is recognized around the world by many labels including those of Conscious, Social and Sustainable Business.

And there’s more. If you need a little more than the peace of mind that your business is doing right by the people and right by the planet then you may be interested to know that those businesses that are doing the right thing seem to be outperforming those that aren’t. There are a number of likely reasons for this including the facts that consumers are becoming more ethical in their choices and that businesses which are more considerate of their many stakeholders’ needs are actually deploying a far more robust business model making them stronger and fitter for the future.

Why Conscious HR?

For every business, sustainable or otherwise, human resources has a pivotal role in helping leaders to understand what needs to be done to achieve business goals through the people that work for them (how else might they achieve them!?) and then implement the plans to achieve those goals.

HR can also play a critical role in helping organisations understand what they need to do when it comes to acquiring and developing the skills they need to grow, ensuring that they are optimally structured to deliver against their strategy, ensuring the employees are motivated to out-compete the competition and stewarding a culture that inculcates the behaviours necessary for the success of a business strategy, e.g. ethical and sustainable mindsets, innovation, creativity, commitment to the cause, openness to change, etc.,.

For the Conscious Business owner how you run your business matters as much as what you achieve with it.  Delivering a satisfactory outcome for all of your stakeholders is not an easy task but help is at hand to support you on this journey.

If you are interested in finding out more about Conscious HR you can give Rob or Simon a call on 01273 251373, email us at or contact us through our website

We look forward to hearing from you.